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Forget playlists.
Forget the hassle.

We provide you with background music that really works.

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Reference LARGE Enterprise (Photo: MusicPartner)

LARGE Enterprise

Custom Music channel for your Company!

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Reference MEDIUM Business Selma Spa (Photo: MusicPartner)

MEDIUM Business

Musicchannel designed for your business

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MEDIUM Business

Custom channel for your branch

Access to a music specialist when planning your music.

Daily Music updates

LARGE Enterprise

Unique brand custom music channel
Personal music coordinator

SMALL Business

MusicPartner SMALL Business is for small business that does not require advanced solutions. Custom music for your business, simply and without fuss!.
Reference Anna Bladström - TeliaSonera
In our new concept store, we want to store experiences to the next level. The store concept is designed for the entire Nordic region and the store will be evaluated during the autumn. Above all, we take the basis of sales, and the music has an important function. On one hand, the music supporting our waiting customers are more active than before and that staff make more trades. And secondly, the spark curiosity and feel sophisticated in our selected customer groups. Meanwhile, the music does not disturb anyone in the broad customer base, we still have. I am impressed by how they got together these target images and simultaneously received it to let the "we".
Anna Bladström, ConceptManager Store Development, TeliaSonera Stores Sweden


Custom made background music that really works for your business!


The right music influences, no matter what business you have. Furnishing, lighting and a smile at the right time gives the customer an impression. Often made. The customer belongs at the moment is part of the whole. To meet the customer with the right mood morning, noon and night requires time, commitment and knowledge of you. And that's where we come in. We provide you with background music that really works.

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Tre enkla steg till bättre bakgrundsmusik


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OBS! Detta gäller ej LARGE Enterprise.

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Music is the brain's best friend!

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