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Forget playlists.
Forget the hassle.

We provide you with background music that really works.

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Reference LARGE Enterprise (Photo: MusicPartner)

LARGE Enterprise

Custom Music channel for your Company!

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Reference MEDIUM Business Selma Spa (Photo: MusicPartner)

MEDIUM Business

Musicchannel designed for your business

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MEDIUM Business

Custom channel for your branch

Access to a music specialist when planning your music.

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LARGE Enterprise

Unique brand custom music channel
Personal music coordinator

SMALL Business

MusicPartner SMALL Business is for small business that does not require advanced solutions. Custom music for your business, simply and without fuss!.
Referens Olearys

We have been running MusikVideoQuiz from MusicPartner at our restaurants since the beginning of the year and we are very pleased with the outcome. The quiz is a good complement to our existing range and is ideally suited as an activity in our premises. We see that it attracts new customer categories and gives increased traffic to our units at times with otherwise low sales. The quiz can also be offered as business activity or tournament, the possibilities are many.

The concept therefore feels long-term and strategically important to us! The investment required is minimal and the staff can manage the quiz themselves. During the spring, we have prepared a "manual" with recommendations on execution practices, personnel planning, prizes for the winners and more. which we like to share.

Louise Tigerholm, CEO Tigerholm Sportsbars
Reference Sno of Sweden Linda Andersson
Rätt musik med medveten timing hjälpe oss till att skapa en känsla för vad konceptet SNÖ of Sweden står för och förstärkte kundernas intryck av vårens nya kollektion
Linda Andersson, Marknadskoordinator på Snö of Sweden
Reference Spenst Morgan Andersen
Spenst Brygga in Fredrikstad are using Music Partner as our total music provider. We use MusicPartner service in our music studio and wardrobes, as well as to our instructors, who use Music Partner to build their practice sessions. We are very pleased Music Partner, follow-up, sound quality and musical variety.
Morgan Andersen - Senterleder Spenst Fredrikstad
Referens Griffins
Here at Griffin's Steakhouse is all a bit crazy. The food, the decor, the staff and the music is difficult to stop in a folder. This is how we want it With Music Partner, we have found the feeling we were looking for to suit our fringed lamps, the intimate at-home feeling and well-prepared food
Christian Järnefors – Baransvarig Griffins Steakhouse
Reference SATS Lars Klinghagen
To offer members Karlstad largest variety of group exercise for me is as natural as filling out our facilities with the right background music. There is a whole, a whole that becomes an experience
Lars Klinghagen – CEO SATS Karlstad
Reference Selma Spa Anders Pertun
Here at Selma Spa, we want our guests to get into a relaxed feeling right away when they come. We focus on wellness and offers relaxation, exercise, spa treatments, combined with good food and drink in the sumptuous surroundings. The music should be there, but still not noticed, it will create a nice relaxing feeling or an energizing workout feeling, then we have succeeded. We have worked with the MusicPartner since 2010 and they help us to reinforce these feelings with his music service.
Anders Pertun - CEO Selma Spa+
Reference Lofbergs Kathrine Lofberg
In an environment where every detail is thought through and where we want to showcase the best we have to offer, so the music was an important but complex question. When I came into contact with music Partners we found together that we sought. I wanted the music to reinforce the unique and familiar feeling that we created in our cafe and it does nowadays.
Kathrine Löfberg – Communications officer Löfbergs
Referens Brothers
We had a thought about the feeling we wanted to create in our stores and, together with Music Partner, we have succeeded. It should be obvious to have someone who can take care of the man himself is not so good at, and together on the basis of thoughts and ideas to create something good. We constantly develop the feeling of the music feels as natural as the clothes shifts in fashion.
Jörgen Lindström - Store Concept Manager Brothers
Referens Olearys
Dick Genberg, Restaurant Manager O'Learys Östermalm
Reference Nöjesfabriken Peter Eriksson
Nöjesfabriken is Europe's largest entertainment complex. Bowling, golf simulator, go-carts, nightclub and restaurant. 6000 sqm entertainment, all under one roof. I chose to work with Music Partner for convenience. They helped us find the right music for all parts of our business. Now we avoid the process of updating and mix our own collection. It was shot instead of professionals. It is cheaper, simpler and far better.
Peter Eriksson, Delägare och VD, Nöjesfabriken
Reference Elite Claes Pettersson
Thanks to Music Partner, we know that the music 365 days a year perceived as welcoming and gives the feeling of quality and flair that we want to achieve. We chose Music Partners music channels, for both our hotel lobby and our restaurant. Before Christmas, we're particularly excited to not have to search our old Christmas albums, it manages Music Partner through its music channel.
Claes Pettersson, hotel manager, Elite Stadshotell Vaxjo
Reference Helmia Logo
Christian Walfridson, VD Helmia Bil
Reference Choice Hotels Robert Wilhelmsson
Hotels in Clarion Collection all have their own history which is reflected in the furnishings and details. The music must therefore connect the guest's impression of the history and the modern standard we stand for. Our musical concept is made up of timeless singer / songwriter artists with personal voices interspersed with modern Nordic Lounge, without drums for breakfast with the pleasant pace to check in the afternoon.
The system is reliable and provides a lovely setting for both guests and staff.
Robert Wilhelmsson, operations director, Clarion Collection
Reference Anna Bladstrom - TeliaSonera
In our new concept store, we want to store experiences to the next level. The store concept is designed for the entire Nordic region and the store will be evaluated during the autumn. Above all, we take the basis of sales, and the music has an important function. On one hand, the music supporting our waiting customers are more active than before and that staff make more trades. And secondly, the spark curiosity and feel sophisticated in our selected customer groups. Meanwhile, the music does not disturb anyone in the broad customer base, we still have. I am impressed by how they got together these target images and simultaneously received it to let the "we".
Anna Bladström, ConceptManager Store Development, TeliaSonera Stores Sweden
Reference Löfbers Lila Arena Lennart Åhs
När Löfbergs Lila Arena skapades gick vi i bräschen för att bygga en arena i privat regi. Att äga sin egen arena har varit en succéfaktor och verksamheten har utökas från hockey till både konserter och mässor. Idag är vi en multiarena och lokalt är vi inte längre en anläggning med bidrag från kommunen utan genererar en positiv effekt på skatteintäkterna. Sedan arenans tillkomst har vi konstant förfinat vårt erbjudande. Resultatet av det arbetet är att omsättningen har ökat med mer än 100%. Vår målsättning är att ligga i utvecklingens framkant.
Lennart Åhs, Arenachef, Löfbergs Lila Arena


Custom made background music that really works for your business!


The right music influences, no matter what business you have. Furnishing, lighting and a smile at the right time gives the customer an impression. Often made. The customer belongs at the moment is part of the whole. To meet the customer with the right mood morning, noon and night requires time, commitment and knowledge of you. And that's where we come in. We provide you with background music that really works.

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Music is the brain's best friend!

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